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Update v1.0.1! (& v1.0.2!) & NEW HATS, Oh My! πŸ‘’

June 16th, 2021 at 10:00 am EDT

Today we’re launching v1.0.1 (& v1.0.2) of Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion!

While this update mainly focuses on bug fixes, improvements to features, and general quality of life improvements, we’ve managed to sneak in a few hats!

Before we dive into the gameplay changes and bug fixes, let’s talk about our new hats. We have four new hats (some are platform specific) that you’ll be able to access from the mailbox outside of Turnip Boy’s greenhouse. Here’s a preview of one of them - Cat ears are in! =^._.^=

Cat ears hat!

We hope this update resolves some common issues, and we hope your turnip experience is fun as heck!

Changelogs πŸ› οΈ

πŸ•ΉοΈ game
βš™οΈ version
πŸ“… date
June 16th, 2021
πŸ†• features
  • Added Traditional Chinese & Korean localization!
  • ☝️ improvements
  • Made the read screen for documents easier to read by removing text effects.
  • πŸ› οΈ fixed
  • Option selectors should now properly use the correct fonts when swapping languages.
  • πŸ•ΉοΈ game
    βš™οΈ version
    πŸ“… date
    June 16th, 2021
    πŸ†• features
  • Added new hats.
  • Implemented
    as a possible speedrun route (This requires you to beat the secret boss in a typical Any% run).
  • Added a popup for when you collect all the tax documents telling you what to do next.
  • Added a community menu on the main menu with information as to how to join our Discord!
  • ☝️ improvements
  • Added a sign in the
    to help teach players that they can
    dig up graves
    with their Soil Sword.
  • Swapped A & B inputs for everything on Switch.
  • Added the option to swap confirm & back's controls for those on controllers who would enjoy this.
  • Ellan's Boombloom
    doesn't spawn until you encounter the rest of the
    in the secret boss fight.
  • The Mission board now has an ok button to make closing it more intuitive.
  • Petalportals
    now have an effect to show they're slowly dying.
  • The game now uses borderless fullscreen.
  • Achievements now should attempt to unlock every time you enter an area. This does not include the achievement for
    blowing up the nuke in the mafia base
    , although you can trigger that achievement again by simply doing it again (Make sure you aren't using God Mode).
  • Added the quickswap buttons to the collection screen UI.
  • Improved the keyblock disappear particle effect.
  • πŸ› οΈ fixed
  • Fixed a bug where the shaking audio the
    wardrobe makes in the Bomb Bunker
    wouldn't stop playing when Turnip Boy leaves the room.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent
    Movemelons from properly allowing Turnip Boy to push them if they were grown before Turnip Boy got the Move Mittens
  • Fixed the softlock players were encountering in the southern area of the
    Forgotten Forest
  • Fixed an issue where
    scream audio would play multiple times at once.
  • Fixed a typo on the directions sign in the
    Plain Plains
  • Fixed the it's used in the
    Rotten Cat Apple's
    boss description.
  • Fixed an issue where touching an enemy even while in the hit-stunned state would shake the screen instead of just being on hit.
  • Slightly moved the sign in the northern
    Forgotten Forest
    to cover less of the puzzle.
  • Fixed a bug with time stopping not being registered when paused, which broke the on screen button prompts.
  • Improved the look of the document popup when it first appears.
  • The game will now properly deal with tampered save files. (WARNING: do not manually edit your save file, as now the game will delete it to prevent several crashes.)
  • Humans
    will now no longer appear in the
    Bomb Bunker
    if they already have attempted to flee, regardless of if the player leaves the area before they fully flee.
  • check out all our changelogs! πŸ› οΈ

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