February 21st, 2025

Hello everyone! And welcome to Snoozy Kazoo’s first monthly DEVPOST!!! We’ll be releasing these every month from now on as a way to keep everyone updated on Snoozy Kazoo news, meet the team, and see early content before aaaaanyone else cause you’re special! 😳
If you’re new here, hi! We’re Snoozy Kazoo, a game dev studio of six guys who make dumb, silly, and fun games.
The last two months were BIIIIIG months for us between a new mobile release, anniversaries, and working on our new game, so bear with us as we recap that first!
What’s Snoozy been up to?
Ok I know what I said earlier, but let’s be honest: if you’ve stumbled deep into the mines enough to find your way here, you’re surely familiar with our beloved Turnip Boy. We just passed by his anniversary of robbing a bank on January 18th! Aww! They grow up so fast… But it’s a good thing he’s not robbing banks anymore, that’s a crime, you kn-
Aw crud he’s doing it on your phone now
Snaps my fingers disappointingly. Aw man. Yerrrrp. Turnip Boy Robs a Bank is now on iOS and Android devices near you. His mindless yet fervent desire to wreck crime upon the world seems insatiable. It’s really unfortunate, except for the fact that it’s honestly really fun watching him go at it.
The game is available TODAY on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store! Re-experience the game or force your friends to — its fun either way!
Ahhh the beloved Turnip Boy. Surely your next game will be about him right?
Heehee nope!
Excitingly, in November, we announced our next game: Hobnobbers! A co-op mall-looter where you rob malls for your goddess!
If you haven’t already wishlisted the game yet, well… go wishlist it! Go make your friends wishlist it! Wishlist wishlist wishlist! It really helps us beat the Algorithm Overlords, so literally every single wishlist counts!
I already know about your little crow-gnome mall-looting game you do not shut up about it. What else is new?
We also released a new devlog over on our YouTube! We’ll be releasing one of these every few months, so make sure to subscribe!
In it, we’ve covered the game’s conception till its early development, which means a lot of concept art. Honestly, let’s toss a little bit more of it over here; it’s always exciting to see behind the curtain!
Now get ready for… 🥁🥁🥁
Woah! What’s this little place? Perhaps the chance to get to meet different members of the team and bombard them with questions to foster a parasocial relationship with them? No way!
Introducing… Alexis! Our Unreal Developer!
What are you most excited for in Hobnobbers?
I’m very excited for a lot of different technical aspects and seeing people’s reaction to the game! I want to see all of the systems come together to create a perfect storm of chaos. The randomly generated map ontop the hexes system, with events like Money Storms, Floods, and Fairy Circles of Doom, is going to make each run completely unique and you’ll never know what kind of madness you’re getting into! On launch day I intend to be hopping into games with people (and fixing any bugs that crop up).
What’s something you’ve worked on in Hobnobbers recently that you’ve found particularly frustrating?
The level generation for the mall has been a particular nightmare, but in a very fun way. The mall is generated from bottom-to-top and each floor tells the floor above it about the different combinations of rooms that it can generate. This allows us to have those iconic vertical levels that overlap each other with walkways above the floors below! This has required a lot of tuning in both making the parts that generate, and how to place them to get results that are always interesting (without bugs). Not only do we have to generate each floor, we also have to generate each store! Accounting for the size and placement of these is a constant challenge when making segments but I made a blender template that speeds it up quite a lot.
What pitch did you end up bringing to the pitch competition?
My pitch was a game about a vampire who was ousted from their castle by another vampire, and is trying to take it back. You would have to sneak back in through various pathways that challenge you in different ways, some would require parkour skills, others would require puzzle solving. And while you’re doing all of this, the AI learns and adapts to your behavior setting traps or blocking off paths in a constant game of cat and mouse. I am still extremely passionate about this idea, and fully intend to pursue it one day!
Awesome! Thank you for your time! 😊
Okie dokie that’s a wrap for now
In future devposts, we’ll be including questions sent in by the community! Feel free to send them in on our Tumblr, or join our Discord and ask questions in the “ask-the-devs-❓” channel!
See you soon!