November 30th, 2023
Hello gamers! As many of you have probably seen, we were finally able to nail down a launch date!!!
Turnip Boy Robs a Bank will be launching January, 18th… 2024!
While we’re excited that the launch of the game is finally set in stone, we know that we had anticipated a 2023 launch date and had said so in our announcement trailer. We wanted to apologize to everyone, because we know it’s a bit of a bummer to have to wait until the new year. We were hoping for a late November/early December launch and the team worked hard to finish the game for those dates.
Our biggest hang up right now is porting, testing, and localizing. We want to make sure that the game we give y’all is as clean and as accessible as we can make it before it launches. With the bugs we’ve been working on, we wouldn’t have felt right launching the game in the state it was in.
To ensure that the game can launch on all the platforms we wanted with the quality we want, the game has been delayed to January 18th.
Thank you all for your patience and we’re super excited for y’all to get to try out Turnip Boy Robs a Bank!
Please consider wishlisting us on Steam!!!