November 21st, 2024

Hello gamers!
It’s been a bit since you’ve heard from your favorite indies! We’ve been cookin’ up something special, and surprisingly, it’s NOT another one of Turnip Boy hijinks!
We’ve added a new rascal to the pantheon. Well, not just one, probably thousands!
We would like to introduce you to our latest project, Hobnobbers! 🎉 🐦⬛
Hobnobbers is a fast-paced 3D looter where you and your crew of mischievous gnomish critters storm through multidimensional outlets and fight Pixys who seek to harvest you for yummy snacks. Raid the shops and stuff trinkets in your hat before the portal closes, or risk being stranded in a whimsical capitalist hellscape. Deliver your loot to Lady Goddess, an enigmatic figure trying to get revenge on her ex-husband. Trade the items you recover for cosmetic upgrades- aka drip- or, if you fail, get turned into stew!
We’re very excited to have you join us on this new chapter of Snoozy Kazoo! This will be our first self-published game, so we really appreciate your support! Wishlisting the game on Steam helps us an absolute ton!